
Thursday, December 11, 2003

The war on common sense takes a major cease-fire in Bossier, LA, with this week's assault on zero-tolerance drug laws in school (thanks to Mr. Seabrook north of the creek for this one). As Joe Bob said, ""Zero tolerance" is the solution for people too lazy or stupid to FIGURE IT OUT. "

But it's not the only one. You've got this case of the kid with the asthma inhaler, or better yet, you've got this one, with the kid and the folding pocket knife.

But back to the latest round of lunacy. Did the school have to expel her? No. They retain the right to ignore this totally moronic rule, just not the ability:
But another school official said earlier Thursday that having medication on campus doesn't automatically lead to a one-year expulsion. "After an investigation and a hearing then, if necessary, punishment is administered. It could be no punishment," said Betty McCauley, Bossier schools student services director.
Gee, I can't imagine how a student going to a school like this would have frequent headaches. Could it be from dealing with idiots like Ms. McCauley all the live long day?

In all fairness, it's good that this little problem was nipped in the bud. It's a proven fact that Advil is just a gateway drug for black tar heroin.
