
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Like most people, I have no substantive opinion about Bush's new Supreme Court nominee, other than this. Like I said before, if Ann Coulter hates her, she can't be all bad.
I eagerly await the announcement of President Bush's real nominee to the Supreme Court. If the president meant Harriet Miers seriously, I have to assume Bush wants to go back to Crawford and let Dick Cheney run the country.

Unfortunately for Bush, he could nominate his Scottish terrier Barney, and some conservatives would rush to defend him, claiming to be in possession of secret information convincing them that the pooch is a true conservative and listing Barney's many virtues -- loyalty, courage, never jumps on the furniture ...
And unfortunately for them, the same "conservative" sycophants would defend any Bush nominee.

I wanna see a fight for this one!
