
Friday, August 18, 2006

Two topics that have previously been punching bags here at crap-blog have now joined forces. Mom-blogs and what was previously referred to as "new parents that are bat-shit crazy" but now refer to themselves as Indigo children have united their efforts to annoy the shit out of you in public places. And who do they have as their celebrity spokes-mom? None other than Playmate of the Year 1994, Jenny McCarthy. Jenny, let's hear about the moment of your epiphany when you discovered you were bat-shit crazy:
I was walking hand in hand with my son down a Los Angeles street when this women approached me and said, “You’re an Indigo and your son is a Crystal.” I immediately replied, “Yes!” and the woman smiled at me and walked away. I stood there for a moment, because I had no idea what the heck an Indigo and Crystal was, but I seemed so sure of it when I had blurted out “Yes!” After doing some of my own research on the word Indigo, I realized not only was I an early Indigo but my son was in fact a Crystal child. From that point on things in my life started to make sense. I always wondered why I was a ball-buster and rule breaker on TV, and at that moment I knew exactly why. I was born to not only think outside the box, but to break that box up into a million pieces.
Thanks for that, Jenny. For the rest of recorded history, your "box" will be a simple google image search away to anyone on the planet that wants to see it. Oh yeah, and the whole world knows you're not a natural blonde. [h/t]
