
Monday, October 16, 2006

To shamelessly promote his global warming movie, Al Gore enlists the help of a bunch of people that think Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church.
An unlikely evangelist showed up in more than 20 Houston churches last week — former Vice President Al Gore.

Gore didn't preach the gospel, he preached green. As part of a nationwide campaign involving more than 1,000 churches, including 130 in Texas, the local churches showed Gore's global-warming film An Inconvenient Truth for free.

The viewings highlighted an unexpected and increasingly powerful movement: a banding together of scientists and religious scholars to raise public awareness about the role humans play in warming the world and to encourage action to reverse the trend.
Ok, whatever gets your message out. I think it's a stretch to use the phrases "Unitarian Universalist" in the same sentence with the word "church," must less "religious scholar," but whatever. This sentence, almost made me wet myself with laughter:
As recently as October 2005, televangelist Pat Robertson criticized the National Association of Evangelists for its global warming stance. But after a near-record hot summer last year, he changed his position.
Pat Robertson, our very own Christian Mullah may have more good intentions than sense (then again he may not), but this is just about single dumbest thing I've ever read regarding the global warming problem. He didn't believe in global warming before summer because, you know, it got hot. What an idiot. I never believed that tiny pickle shaped invisible demons made droplets of water fall from the sky until it started raining today. And whaddya know, it rained today! Who could argue with that logic?

