
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Well it's all over but the crying, which isn't expected to cease anytime soon. I understand the how of a heartless company spending so much money to come in and destroy my back yard, but I still can't get my mind around the why. If the stupid answer costs more money, why do they go forward with it? Oh yeah, because they only make a $55,000 a minute. But I digress. Here it is, my beautiful stump:

I really couldn't be mean to the guys that did it. For the most part, they were sweating their asses off doing a shitty job, and rather pleasant to me throughout. But here's a few before and after shots. Hey look, there's a tree:

Hey, where'd that tree go?

OK, here's what really, really, really pisses me off about this. I found out from one of my tree murderers today that when they fly over their pipeline, they're looking for seeping oil. What the fuck? Do they think that line of sight from the air is their first defense against a leaking crude oil pipeline? This is a residential neighborhood. If there's oil seeping in my lawn, I'm going to A) rent a derek or B) call the pipeline owner. Having me living happily over their pipe and under my fucking tree is the best protection their pipe has, because I know I'll report the leak long before they do their fly-by. But I digress. The arborcide is a done deal. They've attempted to placate me (and I've attempted to explain to them what "placate" means) with enough "upgrades" to my yard to make me forget the lunacy they say is necessary. Here are some more picts, from the front. It really gives a better perspective of how big Oaky really was:

And then there's this:

But at the end of the day, it's just a tree. That tree wasn't going to cure cancer, end political strife in the Middle East, or even sneak Paris Hilton any menthols in prison. It was just a tree, and it had about 50 good years, but last night I made this promise to her: No matter where I am, no matter how dire the circumstance is, under absolutely no situation will I ever give a dime, knowingly, to Anglo-Saxon Petroleum. I don't care if I'm bleeding out the eye sockets and it's the only gas available. I'm hoofin' it, and I'm hoofin' it for you, Oaky.

She would have done the same for me.

