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Sunday, November 30, 2003
11/30/2003 11:20:00 PM
by Douglas
11/30/2003 11:16:00 PM
by Douglas
11/30/2003 10:52:00 PM
by Douglas
And then there’s the nanny lifestyle. Woman C remembers coming home from a typically enervating day at work on a gloriously hot evening and saying to the nanny, ‘Hi, how’s your day been?’ And rather gallingly, the nanny replied, ‘Oh, fine. I’ve just sat by the pool and watched the children all day.’ Within the month, Woman C had given up work and the nanny was jobless. And, indeed, pool-less. Serves the bitch right, no?Ouch. Uh, I don't think I have the proper genitalia to make a judgment on that statement, but I sure can't argue with that. Ruling out all those who don't have nannies, who wouldn't rather sit by the pool all day? I don't think women are beating their brains out at a job all day from lack of "childcare legislation," whatever the hell that might mean. Where is this all going? The conclusion we might draw from all of this is that a) there are indeed cultural pressures that contribute to keeping women in the home and b) there are in some cases economic pressures also, but c) a lot of women don’t work because they don’t like working — for many of the reasons why men don’t like working, if we’re honest. It’s a drudge.Argue with that last one. I dare you. Labels: working women
11/30/2003 05:29:00 PM
by Douglas
11/30/2003 05:20:00 PM
by Douglas
"it's too easy to get music free.''Is the RIAA ever going to wake up and embrace this efficient way of distributing music, or are they going to continue to try to lock up Jr. High kids. Also, There's a publication called the Vanderbilt Hustler? Who knew? Labels: RIAA
11/30/2003 02:04:00 PM
by Douglas
11/30/2003 01:39:00 PM
by Douglas
Saturday, November 29, 2003
11/29/2003 06:35:00 PM
by Douglas
11/29/2003 02:15:00 PM
by Douglas
11/29/2003 01:51:00 PM
by Douglas
"But this is Texas, and things are just different here."Damn right. Wednesday, November 26, 2003
11/26/2003 08:52:00 PM
by Douglas
That's the luckiest turkey on the planet. Both of them.
11/26/2003 03:28:00 PM
by Douglas
"I'm not putting down tofu," Boles said. "I don't want anybody who likes tofu to get mad at me, but we're kind of old-fashioned here."Well, duh. but it would been interesting if the "lettuce ladies" had shown up. Bob Wills would be proud. Tuesday, November 25, 2003
11/25/2003 05:22:00 PM
by Douglas
Things that belong in a museum: Dinosaur skeletons, pottery shards, and sweaty Elvis jumpsuits. Things that don't: Fully functional versions of the most advanced commercial aircraft ever built.
11/25/2003 05:22:00 PM
by Douglas
11/25/2003 05:21:00 PM
by Douglas
Monday, November 24, 2003
11/24/2003 06:47:00 PM
by Douglas
"It's nobody's business but our own. Everybody out of town is making this their business."Hey, why don't you just shoot 'em?
11/24/2003 06:38:00 PM
by Douglas
11/24/2003 06:33:00 PM
by Douglas
Survivor finalist gets new spot on The View. Says experience will come in handy when fighting Star Jones for doughnuts and coffee. Sunday, November 23, 2003
11/23/2003 05:50:00 PM
by Douglas
11/23/2003 04:51:00 PM
by Douglas
In a look back at the past century of skyscraper development, it becomes powerfully clear that building by committee was not the route by which the city's greatest structures came to define the skyline.
11/23/2003 04:14:00 PM
by Douglas
"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.... Three generations of imbeciles are enough."Scary to think this was America, and only 70 years ago.
11/23/2003 10:26:00 AM
by Douglas
11/23/2003 09:49:00 AM
by Douglas
Also, check out this page. Imagine the woman sitting next to you on the plane whips out a piss funnel and fills a ziplock bag. Lovely. Is it just me, or does this thing look like a dildo? Saturday, November 22, 2003
11/22/2003 02:05:00 PM
by Douglas
11/22/2003 01:47:00 PM
by Douglas
Friday, November 21, 2003
11/21/2003 04:43:00 PM
by Douglas
"I felt she might be jeopardizing her future with Playboy by getting enhancements," said Jeff Cohen.Jeff, say that again 3 times and tell me if that makes any sense to you. "There's no question we will continue to photograph and publish women who have had augmentation to their breasts," Cohen said.Whew. I was getting really worried there for minute. Thanks for settling that for us, Jeff.
11/21/2003 04:23:00 PM
by Douglas
Thursday, November 20, 2003
11/20/2003 07:16:00 PM
by Douglas
11/20/2003 06:05:00 PM
by Douglas
Let's face it, in the great 20th-century struggle between the state and the individual, the state has won, game, set, and match.Maybe I'm missing something, taking it out of context and all, but I doubt it. I can't even imagine a context to take that comment where it wouldn't be absurd. Not that he's wrong, mind you, but that the statement seems to be dripping with approval. These guys call themselves Conservatives? They tout the greatest accomplishment of the Reagan Neo-Cons as being the defeat of the Soviet empire, so why such veneration of the collective?
11/20/2003 05:35:00 PM
by Douglas
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
11/19/2003 05:50:00 PM
by Douglas
"I'd much rather have invented a machine to make life easier for farmers and peasants -- something like a lawn mower."What a nice little Soviet he is, even after all these years. But there's more: "But it's not the designer's fault or the weapon's fault when terrible things happen; it's the politicians'," said Kalashnikov, a former major general. "It's because the politicians are unable to reach peaceful agreements. I must say I sleep quite soundly."Good to hear that he's sleeping well. And he's right, it's not his fault. Guns don't kill people, and gun designers certainly don't kill people. Unless, of course, they do. Funny that he's not bitter about not making any money. Personally, I'd take the money over a monument, any day. Statues tend to make my butt look big.
11/19/2003 05:46:00 PM
by Douglas
11/19/2003 05:43:00 PM
by Douglas
11/19/2003 05:30:00 PM
by Douglas
At times like these when Christians everywhere are reaching out for comfort and healing, how wonderful it is to start the day washing their hands and face with a clear soap that contains a beautiful floating cross.And how could you possibly dismiss this unsolicited testimonial: Rosalie's good friend Leticia Hart had this to say when she first used BAR OF FAITH PRAYER SOAP, "Whenever I take this soap in my hands, it's like a miracle, I feel good all over and closer to my faith. Everyone I know wants to get these soaps for themselves and for gifts as well."
11/19/2003 05:26:00 PM
by Douglas
11/19/2003 05:25:00 PM
by Douglas
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
11/18/2003 03:58:00 PM
by Douglas
"I think there's some stuff out there because they only found about 40 percent of the shuttle, and they didn't really search areas in the west of the county," said Cherokee County Judge Chris Davis.40%? That sounds a bit low to me. I can't image that they'd base that number on weight. Too much of it disintegrated, not to mention the liquid parts that could never be recovered (freon, water, prop). And "they didn't really search areas in the west of the county?" I know I shouldn't rely on a country judge for NASA information, but check the weather radar from February 1. It'd be hard to convince me they didn't search all the way to Jacksonville. Monday, November 17, 2003
11/17/2003 10:43:00 PM
by Douglas
11/17/2003 09:36:00 PM
by Douglas
11/17/2003 09:27:00 PM
by Douglas
Sunday, November 16, 2003
11/16/2003 01:21:00 PM
by Douglas
Saturday, November 15, 2003
11/15/2003 01:29:00 PM
by Douglas
But, because Mr. or Ms. Hack-the-Art has nothing better to do, or has been issued a direct edict from the Corporate Subhead Division or the Let's Foster Skimmers Not Readers Team, what we get are subheads that simply repeat the most obvious language/theme from the upcoming paragraph or artificially created "section."I couldn't agree more. Subheads are only slightly less annoying than articles where a third of the words are highlighted links, that will presumably take you to much better articles than the one you're reading. Friday, November 14, 2003
11/14/2003 07:07:00 PM
by Douglas
Since when did we start taking foreign policy advice from the IDF? I see bulldozers under American flags leveling houses in Iraq in short order. I love this quote: "We liked them until this weekend. Why did they drop bombs near us?"Try not to ask so many questions, because we're short on answers right now. Especially to that particular question. Keep in mind we're not conquers or occupiers. We're liberators, bringing democracy to the Iraqi people. 500 pounds at a time. Thursday, November 13, 2003
11/13/2003 11:43:00 PM
by Douglas
Uh, Only 1,093 piercings? Now there's something to shoot for: 1,094.
11/13/2003 10:28:00 PM
by Douglas
11/13/2003 10:18:00 PM
by Douglas
11/13/2003 10:03:00 PM
by Douglas
The real tragedy here is the total lack of a single Dwight Yoakam song. You're going to make a list of drinking songs and leave out Dwight? I don't think so. What about these timeless classics:
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
11/12/2003 07:16:00 PM
by Douglas
11/12/2003 06:36:00 PM
by Douglas
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
11/11/2003 07:52:00 PM
by Douglas
Working under close supervision, the girls used knives to skin the beavers.Sounds like something you'd read on movie at the video store. The back room of the video store, if you know what I mean. Monday, November 10, 2003
11/10/2003 07:23:00 PM
by Douglas
11/10/2003 05:47:00 PM
by Douglas
11/10/2003 05:26:00 PM
by Douglas
When checking a female's urine, the male strokes her genitals with the tip of his trunk - and then touches his trunk to the vomeronasal organ (VNO), a specialized organ on the roof of his mouth. The VNO sends signals to the brain regions that "are hardwired to the penis", says Prestwich.Hardwired to the penis. Tee hee hee. I never thought elephant urine could be so damn sexy. . .
11/10/2003 05:16:00 PM
by Douglas
11/10/2003 04:55:00 PM
by Douglas
Saturday, November 08, 2003
11/08/2003 02:30:00 PM
by Douglas
11/08/2003 02:21:00 PM
by Douglas
The last person to get this much attention for getting lost and not knowing where they ended up? Columbus, and he didn't even get a TV movie of the week.
11/08/2003 02:13:00 PM
by Douglas
Friday, November 07, 2003
11/07/2003 06:06:00 PM
by Douglas
11/07/2003 05:40:00 PM
by Douglas
"We wrote the book because we thought that a lot of people needed to know what Mr. T was doing when he was 30. A lot of people have been asking," Albertson said.Yeah, that's it. Actually, the book sounds sort of interesting, and I'm sure I'll get it for Christmas (hint hint) since it's only $8 on Amazon. Who couldn't agree with this nugget of the truth: "I kind of look at the 20-year-olds and think 'They're so young.' "Maybe because they have their pants around their knees skateboarding is their life's ambition. Wednesday, November 05, 2003
11/05/2003 06:30:00 PM
by Douglas
Dear Law Review: I never thought I'd be writing one of these letters but last summer I was driving across country, when all of a sudden I drove past the Delta Airlines Stewardess/Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading camp. Then, from out of nowhere, I get a flat tire. . . .
11/05/2003 11:32:00 AM
by Douglas
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
11/04/2003 09:15:00 PM
by Douglas
Monday, November 03, 2003
11/03/2003 09:04:00 PM
by Douglas
11/03/2003 08:59:00 PM
by Douglas
11/03/2003 08:52:00 PM
by Douglas
Sunday, November 02, 2003
11/02/2003 11:11:00 PM
by Douglas
Saturday, November 01, 2003
11/01/2003 11:43:00 AM
by Douglas